Not Just A Password Manager.

Turn any device into a proximity-based smart key that automatically logs you into your online accounts and devices.

Trusted by over 3,400 businesses

Everykey can save businesses $2 trillion every year

Approximately $2 trillion is annually lost due to data breaches, highlighting the economic toll of insufficient security measures.

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Everykey is 3 Products in 1

Solve your headaches with Everykey's 3-in-1 solution.

Everykey is 3 Products in 1

Solve your headaches with Everykey's 3-in-1 solution.

Password Management

Bid farewell to the inconvenience of memorizing intricate passwords. Everykey not only streamlines the generation and management of secure passwords but also offers the added flexibility of freezing an Everykey if a device is lost or stolen.

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Device Security

 Everykey wirelessly unlocks your phone, computer, tablet, and automatically logs you in when you're nearby, then locks everything down when you walk away. 

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Access Control

 Elevate your digital space with Everykey. Everykey allows you to unlock the door to your office and other physical locations, access a turnstile or elevator, and unlock your corporate fleet of vehicles. 

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Trusted by Enterprises Globally

"Everykey will improve security and access control for aircraft maintenance activities, as well as throughout the Air Force as a whole."

Jonathan Sih, Captain, United States Air Force

"The Everykey access control and cybersecurity solutions are a game-changer for the world, and, through our research, they are uniquely positioned to meet the demands of this extensive market."

Kurt E. Petersen, PhD, HardTech Group of the Band of Angels

"I am especially excited about the prospects and potential use-cases of their proximity identification and authentication technology... especially in applications such as healthcare, banking, where I can see Everykey adding tremendous value."

Joon Lee, Director, LG Electronics

Intuitive & Unified Enterprise Security

Securing your business starts with securing your people.

At Everykey, we're committed to tackling the fundamental challenges that businesses encounter in today's digital landscape by offering a unified solution that supersedes traditional approaches.

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Security & Compliance

4 Layers end-to-end

4-layer end-to-end encryption employs AES 128-bit, AES 256-BIT, and RSA 4096-bit encryption for robust data protection. 

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Security Audited

RSM audited security, achieving the highest score for robust and reliable security measures and practices.

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We adhere to SOC-2 standards, ensuring stringent data security, integrity, and privacy practices for our clients.

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Ready to get started?

Are you ready to experience the future of convenience and security?

Join Everykey today to enjoy the power of three products in one-password management, device security, and access control. Sign up now for a safer, simpler, and smarter digital enterprise.

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